Right from the start of the meeting Fadi Bishara @Fbishara, a Silicon Valley veteran, hit the nail right on the head with this one liner. The secret to the Valley's success is that people have …
Social CRM event in Brussels – Wed. 26th September
Next week, there will be an opportunity for communicators to dig deeper into the challenges and opportunities created by the rise of social media. This conference created by Luke Brynley Jones - …
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Virtually Real Brussels
Brussels - An international hub and city with the most events and congresses in the world, second only to Washington DC, has decided to further promote its image as an international player with the …
Should I stay or should I go?
Before leaving for the mass migration that takes place every summer in Brussels, Place Flagey (the up and coming new creative hub of Brussels and incidentally where the ZN offices are located) was the …
Soft paradigms and bright kids
Last week I was reading an article from the Harvard Business Review by Heidi Grant Halvorson curiously entitled: The Trouble with Bright kids. I enjoyed the ‘takeaway’ from the article, which I …