As a traveler and Hyperthinker I have recently addressed the need for a new mindset within the sector and while today’s post is about travel, my objective this week takes me to a new audience. This week, I’ll be speaking and networking with University students on my book and the concept of Hyperthinking, a mindset for our digital age. The upcoming trip marks my first return to the Canada in 15 years.
Traveling as a speaker on Hyperthinking, has taken me from one part of the globe and back. Next week my invitation to speak at MacEwan University brings me to Edmonton. I was asked to speak about adopting a new mindset to manage best in our changing world, and I have to say, I am looking forward to the adventure and the opportunity. The event takes place on November 20and my participation will run through the entire week. Hosted by MacEwan University’s Bachelor of Communication Studies in partnership with the MACT program at the University of Alberta and IABC Edmonton.
The event is free, and I encourage your registration if you’re in Edmonton next week. However, if you can’t make it to Canada to catch the talks, you can still be part of the discussion by joining us on Twitter. I will be answering questions from participants throughout the week on the social network. The Hyperthinker blog will be sharing a blog post each day from the great white North, so stay tuned and remember to join in by following me on Twitter at @pweiss, and remember to use the hashtag #hyperthinker.
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